Wednesday, April 21, 2010

He does it again!

Gord's dream never ends apparently!  He got an email today from the Olympic Committee to request his presence at the Canadian Olympic Team Parade on Friday.  And yes folks... he MUST wear his torchbearer uniform and bring his torch.  Hahaha!  My girlfriends (N & V) and I were joking last night about Gord and his beloved suit and now this.  So once again, the girls and I will be lining the streets of downtown Montreal as of 11:30AM to watch Gord parade around in his torchbearer suit for what should be the very last time.


SnodV said...

O - M - G!!!! This will NEVER end!!!! It's almost enough to make me skip a day of renovating to go watch him. But I'm sure he'll be filming/taking pics in one form or another, so I'll just wait for that!!! (tongue firmly planted in cheek, just in case it wasn't clear)

Natalie said...
