Thursday, September 02, 2010

Alexia's Gotcha Day and a Curve ball!

September 2nd, 2007.  Three years ago.  The day we became a family of four.  What can I say but that it was one of the best days of our lives!  This sweet little bunde of joy by the name of Guang Yun Xia joined our family.  Her big job was to make Cara-Li a Big Sister and that is exactly what she has done.  Alexia has brought much joy and liveliness into our house ( perhaps too much at times!) and has really kept us all on our toes!

Alexia, thank you for being you, for being a part of our family, for loving us all too death and best of all, for let us love you!  We love you, Xia Xia!

3 years ago - 2007

Today - 2010

Now here's the curve ball.  As every year, we always plan a very special dinner at a Chinese restaurant on this day.  And the Gotcha Girl gets to pick it.  Alexia picked the purple restaurant (you guess it, the restaurant is purple!).  And this is my favorite day of the year so I was in an extremely great mood that morning until...

I got a call from Cara-Li's school.  Aparently she had fallen in gym class and hurt her foot.  So I didn't ask too many questions.  I just rushed down there thinking that she had a sprain.  What I found out upon arrival was that the nurse actually thought it was broken.  I wasn't prepared to take her to the hospital as I had to return to work.  So I brought her with me and fed her while waiting for Dad to show up.  After spending app. 6 hours at the ER, Cara-Li arrived home with a cast!  They're not sure if it is broken but decided to err on the safe side.  So off we went to get her crutches and get her used to them before her return to school.  But, what a sport she was!  She still wanted to go out for dinner to celebrate her sister's Gotcha Day.  What a great gal!  And this eevnt will explain the lack of family pictures on Alexia's big day.  Will make it up to her somehow.

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