Sunday, February 06, 2011

Adoptive Families of Quebec

Today was an extra, extra busy day.  My friend S and I have been running the Adoptive Families of Quebec for a few years.  We hold activities for adoptive families in the Montreal area such as Christmas parties and Chinese New Year parties among other activities on a smaller scale.  Today we held our annual Chinese New Year party hosting 120 people!  We normally hold this event in a local Chinese restaurant but for such a large group at such a busy time of year, no restaurant wanted to accomodate us.  So we had to think outside the box.  We rented a reception hall at a local community center and ordered the food in!  And since we had the room to ourselves, with no restauranteur trying to push us out, we planned many actvities for the families.  There was storytelling, movies and arts and crafts for the children including calligraphy, dumpling making for the adults and Chinese fan dance lessons and show for the children.  All this was put together with the help of 17 volunteers from the Chinese community that want to help us teach the Chinese culture to our children.  It was amazing and we could not have pulled it off without them!

Myself and S with our daughters Cara-Li, Alexia and T.  Love this picture!  We all look so good in our Chinese silks!

My lovely Chinese dolls!

Cara-Li learning to calligraphy.  She is taking this very seriously!

Alexia learning the Chinese Fan Dance.

And finally the show the children put on for the parents.  After only 30 minutes of practice they were able to put on the cutest show ever!

1 comment:

Monica et Milie said...

Congradulation for your own initiative!
The first picture is very beautiful!

Monica :0)

Gatineau, Québec