Monday, August 29, 2011

A new school year

Of course, after a big move comes the beginning of the school year  :0

Alexia began kindergarten this year so it was really a big back to school.  She was so ready and did not even flinch when it came time to going into her class.  We, the parents, got to meet the teacher.  Well, in our case, we met her privately since we missed the actual parent-teacher meeting!  We got the letter during the packing process and somehow thought it was at 2PM when in reality it was at 11AM.  Imagine my shock when I found out we missed it!  Anyweay, the school was very understanding and they were very accomodating.  A few days later, Cara-Li also started school, the 4th grade.  My Lord, where has the time gone!  And something new to manage this year... car-pooling.  Yup.  No more school bus.  Yikes!  Hope it goes well!

Alexia, first day of Kindergarten.

Cara-Li, first day of 4th grade.

The 3 car-poolers acting completely silly!  It's going to be rough year!


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