Friday, October 15, 2010


No, I am not lost!  I have been back from wonderful Hawaii for 3 weeks now but for some reason, I cannot seem to get a moment's peace.  I was hoping to post some wonderful pictures of our fantabulous trip but my PC is now at the Apple store being transferred to the new iMac we bought last week.  So the pics will have to wait till next week... that's if I will be able to figure out the Mac OS.  Hope springs eternal!  Anyway, if things keep up as they have been in the last 3 weeks, I won't have time to even play with it at all.  Between work, school and activities, there is hardly any time for sleep.  Here's how my Tuesday went for example:  Get up, shuffle kids to school, work late, inhale supper, take Cara-Li to piano lessons, help Cara-Li with homework, shuffle kids to bed, deal with the computer situation and it is now 11PM.  What the f***?  And through all that, I didn't even go to the bathroom once... no time!  Anyway, with November around the corner, things should slow down... one hopes!


Wanda said...

I'm pooped just reading about your day!! It might be a good idea to try and squeeze a bathroom break in there though. Just sayin'

Hope you catch your breath soon!

Julie said...

Happy 4th birthday!!