Friday, May 06, 2011

Alexia is going to school!

Alexia is born in late October so technically she is not eligible to go to kindergarten this coming September.  But the girl is ready.  So ready that I cannot see us keeping her back for another year.  So we decided to get her tested by a psychologist (which is required by our province) to see if she would be capable to start a year earlier without being detrimental to her.  So today was the big day and she scored quite high in fact.  In some tests she proved to be the age of a 5 year 1 month old (Alexia is 4 1/2), which is just enough to get her derogation but she also scored as high in other tests as a 6 year 10 month old!  So with this, Alixia is off to kindergarten this coming September!

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