Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day & First Communion

Another Mother's Day, another most glorious day!  I love Mother's Day.  It's my favorite day of the year.  It is the day when I spend the entire day being extremely grateful for the 2 little girls I am so fortunate to be given the oportunity to mother.  Without them, I would be nothing thus being a Mom is the most important job I have ever had.  OK.  Enough with the mushiness! 

Today was also Cara-Li's First Communion.  We have been preparing for this all year, home-schooling her, taking her to monthly retreats at the church and in the last month several practices to prepare for the big day.  It was so sweet to see all 42 children up on the altar.  I remember my First Communion like it was yesterday and trust me, it wasn't yesterday :)  After the ceremony, we had all her invited guests at the house for a luncheon.  It was a beautiful day, so we all got the chance to sit outside and enjoy the day.

Instead of the traditional communion cake, we had a beautiful display of cupcakes.  Cara-Li and I always watch 'Cupcake Wars' together so it was very fitting.  Besides, cupcakes are all the rage!

PS:  The poof Cara-Li is wearing on the back of her head was what I wore on my wedding day  (which I made BTW).  Thought it would be easier to get her to wear it now rather than on her wedding day.

And a First Communion would not be the same if the kids didn't change and run off into yard.  We were privileged to an acrobatics show.  See if you can count 5 kids in this act!

Looks like there is a conspiracy going on here in the fort...


Julie said...

Happy Mother's day!
Love the pictures! said...

Lovely photos of three beautiful girls!