Saturday, May 14, 2011

On to the next stage...

Alexia has graduated to a booster seat.  Finally!  Now this should make things alot easier. 

Funny story.  Last fall, when I came back from Hawaii, Gord asked me if it was a place for us to go as a family.  I explained that it would be best for us to go when Alexia is out of the car seat as there is a lot of in and out of the car when visiting Hawaii.  So, since then, Alexia has been asking about moving into a booster because she wants to go to Hawaii but we kept telling her she needed to eat more to gain more weight (Alexia is really not a big eater).  However, while she doesn't weigh enough to be in a booster, she is definitely tall enough so we moved her.  Guess who thinks she's going to Hawaii  :)


Monica et Milie said...


Julie said...

So cute!

In our main car I still have Naomi in a 5-point harness but in our second car we have moved her into a booster. She's 42" and 32lbs! Usually they have to hit 40lbs to be in a booster but I don't think Naomi will be there anytime soon.

What part of Hawaii? We did Waikiki a few years ago - loved it! said...

I've been out of a car seat for 44 years and haven't been to Hawaii yet!